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Why MMA: Illegal Techniques That Need To Leave

MMA is one of the most progressive and fast passed sports in the world. Yet these moves/illegal techniques still happen with little to no penalty.

Groin Shots

Back in the day a groin shot wasn't just legal it was one of the most effective moves you could do. I the MMA stone age back in the 90's this technique was made famous by Keith Hackney. Keith decided the best technique would be to get on top of his opponent Joe Son and use his groin as a speed bag in one of the best early UFC highlights.

Why not back then every thing was legal and some people may still think the sport would be more fun that way. it may but ill talk about that some other time. Nowadays it's a highly illegal move as it should be. The referees are aloud to take a point if it ether happens to many times in a fight of is intentional. Some people like Cheick Kongo in his UFC career would almost use the groin shot like another fighter would use a jab. Pretty much half the time the ref would give him warning after warning. I think in a fighters UFC career he should only be able to land one or two groin shots ever and after that will lose a point every time. I feel that will make fighters fight more fair and learn to not do that.

Eye Pokes

Eye pokes are an epidemic in MMA. for some reason the eye is just big enough to fit a finger. Some fighters like Jon Jones use an open hand to keep their opponent at a distance. Witch always makes me think wouldn't a punch keep them away better than a three stooges push to the head. I understand why Jon keeps doing it. Eye pokes get penalized just like groin shots and are actually treated less than groin shot. I'v seen fights where a fighter will try to see what their opponents brain feels like 2-3 times and the ref will keep saying " keep those hands closed" and think that's ok. I don't know about you but I always find its hard to do something with another mans finger in my eye.

12-6 Elbows

Alot of people probably don't even know what this is so here's a picture of a middle age whit guy performing one

So its when you throw an elbow with your fist strait in the air. It is one of the dumbest rules in MMA. Back in the day some old guy working for a commision saw some karate guys breaking bricks on TV at 3 in the morning. Than thought that's to dangerous to do to a person and made it illegal because you cant do that but sure go a head and kick a guy in the head as hard as you can and hay why not before the ref gets there go ahead and hit him two more times just so you know for sure he get random head aches in his 60's.

With that said these are a few thing they should bring back for reasons I think make sense. Head buts seem to hurt the guy doing it as much as the guy getting it as long as long as hes paying attention. If not at least it will keep fights on there guard. punches to the back of the head really doesn't make the most sense to me. is the back of your head softer than the front. I would rather get hit in the back of my head than get my nose bent sideways. The weirdest rule that's illegal that I didn't know was illegal till now is the pile driver. The move made famous by Jerry The King Lawler and Bob Sap is illegal in the UFC. Witch makes me think what other pro wrestling moves are illegal. Could I get on the cage and drop the Macho Man elbow , could I sneak up behind someone and do an RKO out of nowhere . Email me at and tell me How legal is the stone cold stunner in a UFC fight.

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