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What MMA Should Really Be Like

MMA is the most exiting sport in the world hands down. Th world i"ll highlight from that is sport. Making MMA a sport is a good thing for the bussnes of MMA but is not MMA at its trust form. MMA at it's truest form isn't 3 rounds, wearing gloves or evan a judging system. MMA is knowing who the best man/woman is.

MMA is personally my favorite sport and I love it just the way it is. This is what I think it would be at it's truest form. This isn't going to be very fan friendly but that's kind of the point.

First thing to go is the rounds. Fights will ether be to the finish or if necessary there can be a time limit. I'll say 30 minutes is a good amount of time. 15 mins just seems to short to me and 30 mins gives both guys a good time to work and hopefully get a finish. There should also be a new payment system. a flat rate just to show or if there's a finish they get paid double just to really push them to finish the fight. It will almost be like the rules for Jiu-Jitsu just adjusted a bit.

Fighters will also not be able to wear gloves. Gloves have changed the way people think they can fight. fighters tape up there hand and now can punch as hard as they want. To me that's not realistic. The grappling would look a lot better too. The gloves wouldn't be in the way and would let the high level grapplers really shine.

A lot of banned techniques would be legal. Groin shots, pulling the shorts, 12-6 elbows, head butting, hair pulling, kicks and knees to a ground opponent will all be legal. If you get into a fight on the street you can do what ever you want, so why cant they. Fighters will also be allowed to where what ever they want within reason. No suits of armour or steel toed boots.

There will only be two weight classes. There will be heavy weight witch is 185 lbs and up. There will also be lightweight witch is 185 and down. I think this is the perfect way to do it so there isn't 12 champions there is only two. I also think there should be two women's divisions too. heavy weight (135 and up) and light weight (135 and down).

I don't think they should get rid of the octagon they should just modify it. The octagon should be doubled in size and the fences twice as tall. the fighter will be allowed to grab the fence because in a real fight they wold be able to. With a bigger area the fighter will be able to show off there foot work and have a more open space for grappling.

The ranking will be way more strict. fighters will only be able to fight someone ranked under 5 spots above or below. I hate watching the number 3 ranked guy fight a none ranker fighter. It's ether boring because the higher ranked guy doesn't want to risk any thing or a squash because the other guy is out classed.

this would not be good tv but it would showcase the best and most pure fights and would tell you who is really the best. Hopefully the UFC never does any of this.

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